2025 Projects
Thank you for taking a minute to read through our 2025 projects. We are very excited to make even a small difference in our community. We cannot do it alone. If you, your family or church would like to help us with any of these things, we would love to have you. You can e-mail Tina or fill out the get connected form.
All year we will be attempting to meet the needs of families in our community. These things cold include helping with transportation, lawn mowing, simple maintenance,etc. If you need help or want to nominate someone, please do so here.
Often times kids in foster care do not have very many people in their corner. Also, foster families feel so alone in the journey. We are striving to come along side those foster families to encourage them and give the kids a special easter gift just for them! Know a foster family that could benefit from this? Nominate them here.
So many kids in our community go to school without even the minimum school supplies. We are going to “adopt” families who need supplies for their kids and help them start the year off right! Want to nominate a family?
Christmas time can be extra hard for families, especially financially. We want to adopt some families that truly just need a little extra. We want to provide necessary things to stay warm in the winter, food in bellies and hope in hearts. If you know a family, get us connected!
We want to take some of the burden from foster families and shower their kids with love and gifts during the holiday season! Nominate a foster family!